Welcome to the Vicariate for Palestinian and Jordanian Youth Ministry

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." (2 Timothy 1:7)

The Vicariate for Palestinian & Jordanian Orthodox Christian Communities in America

After a long process that began in 1993 related to the ecclesiastical status of Church communities connected with the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, there was a final decision by the Ecumenical Patriarchate and Patriarchate of Jerusalem. Both Patriarchates agreed that the canonical and pastoral supervision of these communities & their clergy would belong to the canonically established jurisdiction of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. The process continued through 2009, when the creation of the "Vicariate for Palestinian/Jordanian Christian Orthodox Communities in the USA was established.

Despite its designation as a Vicariate for Palestinian/Jordanian Christian Orthodox Communities, the Vicariate actually serves a wide range of parishioners, including, but not limited to, Americans, Greeks, Russians, Eritreans, Egyptians, Jordanians, Lebanese, Palestinians, Syrians and many others who all subscribe to the canons established by Jesus Christ & his Apostles almost 2,000 years ago. We follow the Old Julian Church Calendar and traditions set by the Patriarchate of Jerusalem. 

The Vicariate delegated The Very Reverend Father John Khoury to establish and lead our Youth Ministry. With this ministry we strive to connect all our Orthodox youth from one church to another to share our love for Jesus Christ, grow in our faith, learn about the Saints and their contemporary teachings, celebrate our beautiful culture and embrace the Holy Land that we came from, which is rooted to the origins of Christianity. We hope that the Vicariate P/J Youth Ministry will also bring not only opportunities for faith and spiritual growth, but also for fellowship, friendship, and service. 

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The Orthodox Church has her origin with Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, not with a human teacher, nor group, nor a code of conduct or religious philosophy. Orthodoxy believes that the Church has her origin in the Apostolic Community called into being by Jesus Christ, and enlivened by the Holy Spirit. The Feast of Pentecost, which is celebrated fifty days after Easter, commemorates the "outpouring'' of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and marks the beginning of the mission of the Church to the world.

We are Orthodox because our tradition of prayer and worship is rooted in the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic undivided Church.

The Orthodox Church was founded by Christ through the Apostles and has maintained a living, historical connection with the Apostolic Church through the ordination of its clergy. The bishop that ordains an Orthodox priest today can trace his ordination historically all the way back to the Apostles, and through them to Christ. For this reason we are “apostolic” – rooted in the first Apostles – the disciples of Jesus.

We are also apostolic because we believe our calling is to go out and share our faith with others. For this reason, we welcome you to visit the Orthodox Christian parish in your neighborhood or town.

Although our parishes may carry a designation of Greek Orthodox or Russian Orthodox or some other ethnic identity, this does not imply that you need to be of a certain ethnic origin to join us in worship or to consider becoming an Orthodox Christian.


Experience the Life of our Orthodox Community in the following ways:


A Brief Introduction to the Orthodox Church. www.goarch.org. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. August 10, 2016. 

“The Orthodox Christian Church: Your Spiritual Home” 